A business name is a name or title under which a person or entity conducts a business.
A business name is the name your business operates under. By law, you need to register a business name if you conduct business under a name other than your own.
Check to see if a business name is available by using our business name availability search. Start to register my Business Name now. (Links to top of home page)
Yes, to register a business name, you will need to have an Australian Business Number (ABN), or be in the process of applying for one. We will organise this for free when you complete our online business name application form.
As an example, if Kathy White partners with Peter Jacobs and they trade as Kathy White and Peter Jacobs, this partnership does not need to register a business name.
If Kathy White partners with Peter Jacobs who trades as Jacobs Consulting and they trade as Kathy White and Peter Jacobs, this partnership does need to register a business name.
Yes, we’ll email this to you as soon as we have received it from ASIC.
Your name is immediately reserved once you complete our online business name application form which take about 10 minutes. It usually takes 2-5 business days for ASIC (Australian Government & Investments Commission) to review and approve your new name and issue your certificate of registration. We’ll get this over to you as soon as we receive it – now worries, no hassles.
Registering a business name does not protect you against third party claims for trade mark infringement. To ensure your proposed business name doesn't infringe on an existing registered trade mark, you should use IP Australia’s Australian Trade Mark Search to search for existing trademarks.
You can either register your business name 1 year ($99) or 3 years ($199). Both packages come with Free ABN Registration, Free Domain Name Registration (.com.au - 1 year only), Business Resource Toolkit, Government Fees, Automatic Renewal Notification and Updates, Customer Support and Business Resource Centre.
Your name will need to be renewed by the end of the registration term, either 1 or 3 years, depending on what registration period you initially registered it for. Don’t worry, we've got that covered and we’ll send you a notification 45 days before the due date so you can renew your name.
An Australian Business Number (ABN) is a unique 11 digit number that identifies your business to the government and community. An ABN doesn't replace your tax file number, but it is used for various tax and other business purposes.
The Australian Business Number (ABN) enables businesses in Australia to deal with a range of government departments and agencies using a single identification number. The ABN is a public number which does not replace your tax file number.
ABN registration details become part of the Australian Business Register (ABR) which the ATO maintains on behalf of the Commonwealth. You can access the publicly available information contained in the ABR through the ABN Lookup website.
You will need to register for an ABN for certain tax purposes, such as GST and pay as you go (PAYG) withholding. You generally need to quote an ABN on your invoices or other documents relating to sales you make to other business.
Provided you supply all the information required, you will usually receive online notification of your ABN immediately upon completion of the ABN application.
If you omit information or it cannot be verified an ABN will not be allocated immediately. Under these circumstances your application will be processed manually and can take up to 28 days. To check the progress of your application please contact the support@servepoint.com.au.
You can conduct any number of businesses/activities under the same ABN provided they all operate under the same business structure. If your second or subsequent business operates under a different structure, you need to apply for separate ABNs for each new business structure.
The Australian Business Number (ABN) is a unique 11 digit identifier issued to all
in the
Australian Business Register (ABR).
The 11 digit ABN is structured as a 9 digit identifier with two leading check
digits. See
format of the
ABN for more
Goods and services tax, often known as GST, is a broad-based tax of 10% on most goods, services and other items sold or consumed in Australia. GST applies to most Australian businesses and it's highly likely that your business will be affected by the tax. If your business is registered for GST, you'll have to collect some extra money (one-eleventh of the sale price) from your customers and pay it to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) when it is due.
You must register for GST if:
As a business owner, it's your responsibility to register for GST if your turnover exceeds the $75,000 threshold or is likely to exceed it.
The ATO advises that if you've just started a new business and expect it to earn $75,000 or more in its first year of operation, you should register for GST.
GST turnover is your business's gross income, not your business's profit.
If your business doesn't fit into one of the above categories, you don't have to register for GST.
If you haven't registered for GST, and you become aware that your GST turnover will exceed the $75,000 per year threshold, you will have to register for GST within 21 days.
It's a good idea to check each month to ensure you're not likely to go over the over the limit. Keeping an eye on your GST turnover is important so you can register if necessary.
If your GST turnover is below the $75,000, registering for GST is optional.
You may choose to register if your GST turnover is below the $75,000 threshold, however this means that once registered, regardless of your turnover, you must include GST in your fees and claim GST credits for your business purchases.
You need an Australian Business Number (ABN) to register for GST. Your ABN is part of the GST system and your ABN will be used as your GST registration number.
If you don't have an ABN and are registering for one, you can use our online dashboard to apply for an ABN. If you anticipate that your GST turnover will be over $75 000, make sure you register for GST when completing your ABN application.
If your GST turnover is under $75,000 and you don't register for GST, you won't include a GST component in your prices. This means that any invoices you provide will need to show that GST was not included in the purchase price. You also can't claim GST credits for your business purchases.
Once your application is submitted, it takes around five working days to get GST Registration.
We believe in the importance of small businesses, and we want to do everything we can to help them be successful. Within our Business Starter Toolkit you’ll find many government issued resources you’ll need on your small business journey. In particularly, you will get:
As Servepoint, we believe starting a business should be fast and simple for everyone.
That’s why our Business Starter Packs allow you to start your own business in minutes and come with free business name, ABN and domain name registration. Linked live to key government departments, you can instantly register your business name and set yourself up with everything you need to get your business started and find new customers, government certified and accredited.
Our business starter packs also allow you to save money and time by getting everything you’ll need all at the one place. Logo - Domain name – Website – Email – Stationary – Brochures – Flyers – Video – Social Media – Advertising – And more.. Done!
You’ll be government certified, fully compliant and ready to sell. All on day one!
See how much you’ll save here.
BUSINESS STARTER PACKS | Retail value per item | ||
Quick Start | Business Accelerator | Power Launch | |
Business name registration | $ 139.00 | $ 139.00 | $ 139.00 |
ABN registration | $ 79.00 | $ 79.00 | $ 79.00 |
GST registration | $ 89.00 | $ 89.00 | $ 89.00 |
Business resource toolkit | $ 69.00 | $ 69.00 | $ 69.00 |
Discounted domain name registration | $ 49.00 | $ 49.00 | $ 49.00 |
Logo design | $ 189.00 | $ 189.00 | $ 189.00 |
Stationary design | $ 169.00 | $ 169.00 | $ 169.00 |
Website | $ 199.00 | $ 999.00 | $ 1,499.00 |
Social media integration | $ - | $ 99.00 | $ 99.00 |
Website hosting | $ 149.00 | $ 199.00 | $ 249.00 |
Email setup | $ - | $ 99.00 | $ 99.00 |
Google my business | $ - | $ 129.00 | $ 129.00 |
SEO | $ - | $ - | $ 310.00 |
Stock images | $ - | $ 75.00 | $ 150.00 |
SSL certifcate | $ - | $ 112.00 | $ 112.00 |
Google maps | $ - | $ 79.00 | $ 79.00 |
Social media banners | $ - | $ 149.00 | $ 149.00 |
Trademark pre-screening | $ - | $ - | $ 49.00 |
Brochure design | $ - | $ - | $ 699.00 |
Total Retail Cost | $ 1,131.00 | $ 2,723.00 | $ 4,406.00 |
What you pay | $ 499.00 | $ 1,699.00 | $ 2,999.00 |
What you save | $632.00 | $1,024.00 | $1,407.00 |
Our Business Starter Packs get your business registered with key government agencies super-fast and deliver all the tools to help you set-up, manage and market your business to the world. View Business Starter Packs and Pricing here.
Once you have purchased your business starter pack you will automatically receive a welcome email that has a link to your online order questionnaire. This questionnaire allows us to quickly get to the heart of your business, and then through inspiration and imagination, together we’ll create something special, launching your business in no time at all.
Please read all questions carefully prior to completing each section. If there are some sections that you don’t understand, no worries, we’re always here to answer any questions and guide you through the process. Your personal start-up consultant will also give you a call and introduce themselves, offering any assistance you may require. Understanding your vision and goals is crucial to building a thriving business.
Depending on the package you have chosen and the number of revisions you have requested, the process usually takes anywhere from 5 to 21 days from the day you submit your completed online order questionnaire. Once you have completed and submitted your online information questionnaire the design and delivery process begins to work in overdrive. During this phase, our team will immerse itself into your business, its services and products and your market space to ensure we understand your value proposition, voice and objectives. This phase ensures we deliver a business starter pack that fits your needs and stands out amongst your competitors.
Developed business tools undergo rigorous analysis to ensure they meet your objectives, are memorable and possess storytelling power. Business tools that survive the evaluation process and screening are presented for your review. Once you have provided feedback, our team provides refinements to the brief and moves to redevelop your preferred designs and preferences until you have made your final decision so that you can begin the journey of turning your dream business into a reality.
Once the revisions have been completed, we will upload them so that you have the opportunity to request further revisions or approve and finalise your documents, logo’s, website, social media and other designs. The sooner you are able to respond to each review and provide the required information, the quicker this process will take.
Once you are completely satisfied with the final revisions, we will ask you to approve the final designs for processing, ready for you to download and launch.
Sign up FREE today to learn which Business Starter Pack best suits your requirements. Our packages are designed keeping end-users in mind. We make it simple by removing all the complexities so you can quickly get your business up and running in no time at all.
If you are still unsure which package best suits your business requirements, give our customer support team a quick call on 1 300 00 NAME (6263) or drop us an email at support@servepoint.com.au and we will guide you through the process to make sure that you are getting exactly what your business needs.
We ask you to complete a brief questionnaire that outlines a little bit about you, your business and what it offers. We also get to understand how you will sell your products and services, who you propose will be your client base and their demographics. During this phase, our team will immerse itself into your business, product and market to ensure we understand your value proposition, brand voice and business objectives. This phase ensures we deliver a solution that fits your needs and stands out amongst your competitors. You will also need to provide any photos you may want to use, samples of websites and logos that you really like and content that you would like to use and publish.
We will also require standard business information (Business name, contact details, contact name), list of products and/or services, detailed information of your products and services, business overview (biography & history), testimonials, case studies, media releases or expert articles.
Remember, you are the expert on your business, so it is crucial that we receive from you as much information as possible for the content of your website. This will also assist in the process being completed in a smaller time frame.
Yes they do. As registered government agents we get your Business Name, ABN and GST registration free and in no time at all.
We have a passion for helping customers to start, grow and develop their own business.
With this in mind we have a platform of business start-up services to help your business get set for success. Other services we provide include business name ideas, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), Copywriting and Tender Writing, Google AdWords, Online eCommerce Stores, Brand Development, Social Media Management, Video production, corporate profiles and iStock photos.
We also understand how to set your business apart from the competition by creating email letters that will enchant and capture the reader and create new sales opportunities that will deliver real sales growth for your new business.
Simply go to your online dashboard to view all services that we offer.
You’re the boss and you can do whatever you like.
Simply go to your online dashboard to view all services that we offer and starting your business, one step at a time.
Adding more features to your website is easy. You can add a shopping cart (eCommerce), subscription form, additional pages, blog, etc. You can add these when we set up your website or at a later time. These services come at an additional cost and you can discuss this with your personal startup consultant.
If you don’t have any images that you can use for your website, no problem, we are able to assist in acquiring licensed images on your behalf. Some package do have an allowance for stock images, however if you do require more images, additional charges will apply.
It allows you to build customer trust by giving everyone in your company a professional email address at your domain, like susan@yourcompany and joe@yourcompany. Also create group mailing lists, like sales@yourcompany.
You can also work without interruption! Access your email anytime, anywhere, on any device—no Internet connection needed. Read and draft messages without connectivity, and they’ll be ready to send when you’re back online.
Google also gives you 24/7 customer support and is backed by industry leading security features providing 99.9% guaranteed uptime, 0% planned downtime. You can count on Google’s ultra-reliable servers to keep your lights on 24/7/365. Automatic backups, spam protection and industry-leading security measures help protect your business data.
Google G Suite for email is also compatible with your existing interface. Gmail works great with desktop clients like Microsoft Outlook, Apple Mail and Mozilla Thunderbird. Outlook users can sync emails, events and contacts to and from G Suite.
Simply let us know your referred email addresses and leave the rest to us, it’s that easy.
When you add an account to the Gmail app, you can sign in to the app using that account. You can also add multiple accounts to the app and switch among them. If you aren't on the latest version of the Gmail app then open the Gmail app. In the top left, tap Menu and to the right of your username, tap the Down arrow. Once complete, tap Add account. Choose the type of account you want to add then follow the steps on the screen to add your account. After you have added your account, you'll be signed in to Gmail any time you open the Gmail app.
If you’re having any problem simply contact customer support on 1300 006 263, we’re always here to help.
Setting up your emails on your iPhone device is easy, simply fllow the following prompts:
Note: If you’ve enabled two-step verification for your Gmail account then you need to use an application-specific password instead of the regular password in the password field. You can generate the application-specific password by going to the Accounts section of your account, and clicking on App Passwords.
If you’re having any problem simply contact customer support on 1300 006 263, we’re always here to help.
Setting up your emails on your desktop is easy.
Once you have submitted and setup your preferred email addresses, you will receive an email with your account settings and a “How to get Started” instruction manual.
If you’re having any problem simply contact customer support on 1300 006 263, we’re always here to help.
One of the most common reasons why emails don’t send is because you have entered the wrong address or the server is down. If the problem continues please contact customer support on 1300 006 263.
You’re able to add a new email address for just an additional $9 per month or we can create a group email address for you such as support@yourdomain.com.au or accounts@yourdomain.com.au. If you would like to add a new address please contact us on 1300 006 263.
Attachment size limit for email is as follows: for sending 25 MB; and for receiving 50 MB.
Get online and give customers a way to find and buy your products and services!
Research shows that customers choose website design as the primary factor when deciding the credibility of a business whilst searching online. So it's important to grab their attention with a sleek modern design and clear powerful messaging.
Not too sure what you want? Don’t worry, we’ve got some fun and exciting ways to boost your business and bring your brand to life. You can view all packages and what they include here.
Depending on your business requirements, we have four packages you can choose from and they are as follow:
You can view all packages and what they include here.
A domain name is the address of your business website, your little slice of digital real estate so to speak, for example “www.yourusinessname.com.au”
Once you have registered your domain name, you can start to build your business website and start selling or promoting your business.
A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet. Domain names are formed by the rules and procedures of the Domain Name System. Any name registered in the DNS is a domain name.
Registering your domain is fast and easy, simply go to the main dashboard and select “Secure my domain name” and complete the following steps.
Adding more features to your website is easy. You can add a shopping cart (eCommerce), subscription form, additional pages, blog, etc. You can add these when we set up your website or at a later time. These services come at an additional cost and you can discuss this with your personal startup consultant.
Yes you can. Let us know your domain name and we’ll organise to have your new website published on your existing domain.
Yes. All websites are designed by our teams are fully responsive and automatically adjust to the device they are being used from.
Yes we can, this incurs an additional fee. Simply contact customer support or your personal startup consultant for more information on 1300 006 263, we’re always here to help.
Google My Business is an easy-to-use tool for businesses and organizations to manage their online presence across Google, including Search and Maps. By verifying and editing your business information, you can both help customers find you and tell them the story of your business.
Manage how your business information appears across Google, including Search and Maps, using Google My Business. Interact with customers new and old and tell them the story of your business.
Manage your information
Manage the information that Google users see when they search for your business, or the products and services that you offer. Businesses that verify their information with Google My Business are twice as likely to be considered reputable by consumers. When people find your business on Google Maps and Search, make sure that they have access to information like your hours, website, and street address.
Interact with customers
Read and respond to reviews from your customers, and post photos that show off what you do. Businesses that add photos to their listings receive 42% more requests for driving directions on Google Maps and 35% more clicks through to their websites than businesses that don’t.
Understand and expand your presence
See insights on how customers searched for your business, and where those customers are coming from. You can also see information like how many people called your business directly from the phone number displayed on local search results in Search and Maps. And when you’re ready, seamlessly create and track the performance of AdWords Express campaigns to spread the word about your work.
It’s easy to start and free to use.
Setting up Google my Business is fast and easy, simply go to the main dashboard and select “Google My Business” and complete the following steps.
The updates from your Google My Business dashboard can be instant. In the past we have seen it update immediately when all verification are done correctly. Otherwise it could take a bit longer to verify and usually takes up to 3 days.
A brochure is an informative paper document that can be folded into a template, pamphlet or leaflet. A brochure can also be a set of related unfolded papers put into a pocket folder or packet.
You can use these brochures as a menu, product specification, introduction about your company or anything else you can think of.
A brochure is the second most important item of advertising a business needs after a website. Although consumers get most of their information about products and services from the internet, most people like to have a hard copy which they can refer to.
Brochures, menus and posters are one of our favourite design projects because you can bend the rules in so many different ways. Our designers will be creative, bold, contemporary and differentiate you in the marketplace. They will create the most dynamic and eye-catching material that will bring people to your business.
This purely depends on your business, what you want to say, what you want to use your brochure for, the products or services that you’re offering and many other factors.
The following tips explain how to design a brochure that will properly represent your mission, outline what you have to offer your target audience and serve as an effective marketing and sales tool.
Regardless of your business size or financial or design resources, the above tips will assist you in creating a brochure that will properly represent your organization, impress potential customers and call them to action.
Depending on the package you have chosen and the number of revisions you have requested, the process usually takes anywhere from 5 to 7 days from the day you submit your completed online order questionnaire. Once you have completed and submitted your online information questionnaire the design and delivery process begins to work in overdrive. During this phase, our team will immerse itself into your business, its services and products and your market space to ensure we understand your value proposition, voice and objectives. This phase ensures we deliver a brochure that fits your needs and stands out amongst your competitors.
Once you have provided feedback, our team provides refinements to the brief and moves to redevelop your preferred designs and preferences until you have made your final decision so that you can begin the journey of turning your dream business into a reality.
Once you are completely satisfied with the final revisions, we will ask you to approve the final designs for processing, ready for you to download and launch.
A trademark, trade mark, or trade-mark is a recognisable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others, although trademarks used to identify services are usually called service marks.
Registering your trademark is fast and easy, simply go to the main dashboard and select “Apply for a trademark” and complete the following steps.
Your brand is more than just your name or logo, it’s your most valuable asset. Benefits of registering a trademark include:
A trade mark is initially registered for a period of 10 years in Australia and continues indefinitely as long as the renewal fees are paid every ten years. Registration fees must be paid within 6 months of advertised acceptance.
Video marketing allows you to boost your business with simple and compelling videos and storyboards.
Increase sales - Video can have a big impact on your bottom line. A majority of consumers say that video has influenced their decision to buy. So try video on your site and social channels to boost sales.
Drive traffic - Consumers often want to see videos from your business before they click through to your website. A well-placed video can entice your audience to learn more and drive traffic your way.
Engage your audience - Social video gets more shares than text and static images combined. It also encourages more views, tags, and comments, which can help you get noticed in a crowded marketplace.
Visual branding is the face of your business. In the blink of an eye it tells people what you do, what you believe in and gives them a reason to connect to your organisation. It’s one of the most fundamental assets of every business.
A strong visual identity sets the tone for your brand. A priority of every business should be establishing the right logo and brand identity. Our experienced team will design a memorable and meaningful brand logo for your organisation.
Setting up a new logo for your business is fast and easy, simply go to the main dashboard and select “Craft a logo” and complete the following steps.
Depending on the package you have chosen and the number of revisions you have requested, the process usually takes anywhere from 5 to 7 days from the day you submit your completed order questionnaire. Once you have completed and submitted your online information questionnaire the design and delivery process begins to work in overdrive. During this phase, our team will immerse itself into your business, its services and products and your market space to ensure we understand your value proposition, voice and objectives. This phase ensures we deliver a logo design that fits your needs and stands out amongst your competitors.
Once you have provided feedback, our team provides refinements to the brief and moves to redevelop your preferred designs and preferences until you have made your final decision so that you can begin the journey of turning your dream business into a reality.
Once you are completely satisfied with the final revisions, we will ask you to approve the final designs for processing, ready for you to download and launch.
At Servepoint, it’s all about you. We are in the business of creating satisfied customers. If you are not satisfied with the first set of logo designs, then our creative team will connect with you, take feedback and additional inputs and share free logo design revisions. The number of revisions will depend on the creative plan that you have selected. We almost always put a smile on your face by now.
Logo design will be delivered in multiple file formats including original, editable file (i.e. AI), EPS vector files in digital (RGB), print (CMYK), and web preview files including PNG, JPEG and PDF.
We’re naming experts, it’s everything we do. We’ve been naming businesses, products, services and apps for 12 years and we’re very good at what we do. Each week, our brand and naming consultants create cool and catchy names that standout. Our global portfolio embraces 5,800+ naming projects across many industries for both established and new business start ups. By offering our clients names that speak across borders and boundaries, our aim is to deliver powerful concepts that produce unforgettable brands and winning identities.
Imagine your brand name … everywhere. Your brand or business name is critical if you’re trying to get a new business, product or service off the ground. People will use it in conversation and through online digital experiences. Who knows, they may even see it brought to life on the back of a bus, a billboard or even television. Great names give you strong branding potential, high recall and the ability to attract more traffic to your website or through your doors. The right name can set the tone for your business and help you to be found. Great memorable brands should last forever, so make sure you get it right from the start.
We will already do this for you through the Australian business name register and also check the domain name availability on the world wide web.
Your new business name ideas will be delivered straight to your inbox within 24-48 hours. Once you have provided feedback, we will provide refinements to the brief and move to redevelop your preferred name choices and preferences until you have made your final decision so that you can begin the journey of turning your dream business into a reality. Depending on your revisions and additional feedback, revised names take anywhere between 24-48 hours.
No worries! If you don't like the names we’ve crafted for your business all you need to do is let us know. We always value your feedback and will ask why you didn't like the names so that we can come up with a new set of names based on your feedback. We will work closely with you to develop innovative ideas with smart and strategic thinking to build lasting identities. Our unique naming process guarantees that we will enable you to achieve your goals, differentiate you from your competitors and create connections with your target audience. We aim to always put a smile on the face of our customers, it’s what sets us apart.
Registering a business name does not protect you against third party claims for trade mark infringement. To ensure your proposed business name doesn't infringe on an existing registered trade mark, you should use IP Australia’s Trade Mark Search to search for existing trademarks.
If you plan to run a business and are not trading under your own name, you will need to register a business name. ASIC (Australian Securities and Investment Commission) is the regulator of business names in Australia. As Australia’s premier business name registration service, we cut through all the red tape by liaising directly with ASIC and the Australian Tax Office to ensure that your business name registration is 100% certified and fully compliant from day one. That’s why new start-ups, business owners and professionals rely on us to register and secure their business name assets.
You will need to register a business name if you wish to carry on business within Australia and are not trading under your own name. Exceptions to this include:
A premium domain is a domain name that is very valuable because it has potential for becoming a memorable brand and web address. Because of this value, they cost much more than a typical brand or domain name. Registering a good domain name is the first step in building a successful brand and online business.
When you buy a name you become the new owner of the domain address and any pre-loaded logo designs which have been created. Logo designs are delivered as AI or PNG files so that you can modify, edit and resize as required. Other than the transfer fee which ranges anywhere from $60 to $180 depending on the registrar, there are no other additional or recurring costs from NameKast.
Our secure online checkout accepts all major credit cards including MasterCard, Visa and American Express. In addition we also facilitate online payments through PayPal or direct deposit into our nominated accounts.
Your brand or business name is critical if you’re trying to get a new business, product or service off the ground. Memorable brands start with a distinctive name. Great business names give you strong branding potential, high recall and the ability to attract more traffic to your website. Choosing a premium name will give you instant recognition with your customers. The right name can set the tone for your business and help you to be found.
It’s very easy. Simply go to the Name Catalogue, find the name you want to make an offer on and click on the “Make Offer” link. You will then be directed to an online form, complete and submit the form. Your inquiry will be assigned to a naming consultant who will contact you to discuss your offer. We look forward to speaking with you about your objectives, and working with you to acquire your preferred name. If you prefer immediate assistance, please contact (02) 9238 6274 Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm Australian EST.
The domain name transfer process occurs once payment is processed and received. The transfer can take anywhere up to 7 business days, depending on the registrar where the domain is currently registered, and the registrar that you prefer to use. Can I buy a Premium Domain Name without a Business Starter Pack?
Yes you can. Simply make an offer for your preferred Premium Domain Name and your inquiry will be assigned to a naming consultant who will contact you to discuss your offer. Your brand or business name is critical if you’re trying to get a new business, product or service off the ground. Memorable brands start with a distinctive name. A great business name will give you strong branding potential, high recall and the ability to attract more traffic to your website. Choosing a premium name will give you instant recognition with your customers. We look forward to speaking with you about your objectives, and working with you to acquire your preferred name. If you prefer immediate assistance, please contact 1300 006 263 Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm Australian EST.
Yes, we’ve got thousands of names and concepts available for most market segments and industries. Our unique naming process guarantees that we will create a name that differentiates you from your competitors.
Can’t see a name you like, simply go to the main dashboard and select “Get business name ideas” and complete the following steps.
Yes. Logo designs are delivered as AI or PNG files so that you can modify, edit and resize as required.
Yes you can. The logos we provide are simply a guide as we can’t be sure what kind of business you will be using the name for. If you don’t like the logo we have created, we can create eye-catching logos for an additional fee. Speak to one of our professional consultants who will advise you of the process or simply submit your request here and let us do the rest.
Yes there is a transfer fee for all domain names which is regulated by the.au Domain Registration authority. auDA does not set a fee for registrant transfer. Similar to domain name license fees, the fee for a registrant transfer varies depending on the registrar of record. The fee charged by the registrar includes a new 1-2 year license fee, plus administrative costs determined by the registrar. Currently, we understand that administration fees for registrant transfers range from approximately $60 to $180.
Yes, once all monies are received in full, the domain name is transferred to the nominated applicant who becomes the sole owner of the domain name.
Refunds or exchanges are not permitted once an order has been placed and confirmed. Buyers are encouraged and advised to perform all necessary due diligence prior to making any purchases.
Every day. Every week, our copyright and design teams spend hours upon hours creating business concepts, trading names, brands and domains names, searching for the best concepts which can be applied to both established businesses and new business start-ups. By offering our clients names that speak across borders and boundaries, our aim is to deliver powerful concepts that produce unforgettable brands together with winning identities. We work closely to develop innovative ideas with smart and strategic thinking to build lasting corporate identities, taglines and product names. Our unique naming process guarantees that we will enable you to achieve your business goals, differentiate you from your competitors and create connections with your target audiences.
Your brand or business name is critical if you’re trying to get a new business, product or service off the ground. Memorable brands start with a distinctive name. In this instance, a name is more than just a word. It’s how your staff, prospects and clients will come to know and think of your brand. That’s why NameKast take the time to understand who you are, what you offer, where you are going and how you plan to get there.
We get to the heart of your idea, and then through inspiration and imagination, create a name that will capture what you want your brand to become. We will help you make decisions today that will have a dramatic impact on your business and your brand, for years to come. Keep in front of the competition and secure your brand and online reputation. Register your name with NameKast now.
As the buyer, it is your responsibility to investigate whether or not your preferred premium domain or brand name is subject to trademark or intellectual property protections. If you would like to research whether a particular domain or brand name is protected by trademark rights, you can contact our support team to discuss further.
No, once you buy a brand from NameKast, you own 100% of the copyrights to the brand assets and can do with them as you see fit. Any ready brand purchased will be removed from the website and no one else will be able to buy them after that.
Yes you can. Similar to a car lease, domain leasing gives a buyer (lessee) the right to temporarily use a domain name over a specified time period while making periodic lease payments to the seller (lessor). Most domain lease transactions have some option for the lessee to buy the domain name outright, either within the lease period or at the end of the lease term. Buyers can lease domain names to get access to premium (high value) names without the high upfront costs of normal sales. Typical Terms of a Domain Lease can include the following:
1. Increase Sales
We understand how to set your business apart from the competition by giving it the tools required to deliver real sales growth. Whether your organisation is an existing business or a new startup, BrandResults will coordinate a strategic plan that will increase your team’s efficiency and dramatically improve sales performance:
Your investment today in a strategic sales and branding program will drive tomorrow’s sales growth. Learn more about how BrandResults can help increase sales.
2. Enhance Market Share
BrandResults will introduce to your organisation tried and tested processes that will help your brand meet potential customers and increase the possibilities of capturing new positions within the market. We achieve this by way of:
Increase your market share by building better relationships with BrandResults now
3 .Simplify Your Business
Providing your customers with clear, simple and succinct communication across all touchpoints will ultimately win them over. BrandResults cuts through the complexity of your information and provides a clear path – streamlining communications to make it clearer and more relevant. The simplification process involves:
Whether you’re launching a new business, wish to reposition who you are or simply require an experienced viewpoint. BrandResults will research and identify business strategies and objectives, all the while building suitable channels to deliver continued strength and growth. We dig deep to understand how your brand is represented in the market place and who your consumers are, more so, what makes them tick, what gets them excited and what makes them connect with your brand. We will develop a fully integrated and cost effective brand strategy that will achieve the following benefits:
Finally, we give your brand a unique ID or TAG – It’s part of the unique aspect that detaches you from your competition, allowing your customers to make a direct, personal connection to your brand.
Supporting dynamic talent and the best ideas
An agile and collaborative incubator program designed to nurture new business start-ups. Our industry leaders will help you survive and grow through the difficult and early stages of development.
Business incubation programs are often sponsored by private companies or municipal entities and public institutions, such as colleges and universities. Their goal is to help create and grow young businesses by providing them with necessary support and financial and technical services.
We identify great ideas and collaborate with dynamic talent and futurists to launch high-potential businesses that leverage their expertise. Supported by a network of entrepreneurs, investors and industry leaders, we syndicate lean startup discipline and a culture for entrepreneurship.
Starting a business is challenging at the best of times, we’re here to make the process easy with a clear path to set you up for success by providing mentors, strategic business support, critical resources, accelerator initiatives, working space and the required seed capital.
Have you developed the next big idea. Do you have the drive and a big fire in the belly, the gumption and desire to succeed? Do you have the heart and soul to make it work, are you committed to making it work? If you answered yes and can demonstrate the desired commitment, drop us a note, we'd love to hear from you!
Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Websites and applications dedicated to forums, microblogging, social networking, social bookmarking, social curation, and wikis are among the different types of social media.
Samples of prominent social media platforms include Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and many more.
Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Websites and applications dedicated to forums, microblogging, social networking, social bookmarking, social curation, and wikis are among the different types of social media.
Samples of prominent social media platforms include Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and many more.
The below information and tips was posted by Lexie Lu who is a freelance graphic designer and blogger. Her ideal morning includes some HTML code and a cup of coffee. She writes on Design Roast and can be followed on Twitter @lexieludesigner.
In recent years, social media has gone from a new idea to an absolute must for marketers. Of all the new media marketing platforms, social has most thoroughly turned traditional marketing on its head. With older outbound marketing strategies, messages are sent to potential customers, and communication is one way.
On social media, customers and businesses can directly interact. Both parties can ask each other questions, repost each other’s content and work on forming relationships. Getting started with social media marketing can be intimidating, so here are eight tips for effectively promoting your business on social networks.
With nearly 3 billion active users, social media is a potential goldmine of new customers and current patrons who could become repeat customers. Create a good social campaign, and you’ll be able to connect with some of those people and grow your customer base.
Imagine spending as little as 6 hours a week in order to increase your business's recognition, traffic, and sales with little to no cost. That's right! About 90% of marketers claimed that social media generated immense exposure for their company, and that's only one of its many advantages.
Social networks are now a substantial part of every marketing strategy, and the benefits of using social media are so great that anyone not implementing this cost-effective resource is missing out on a phenomenal marketing opportunity. It's easy to see that social media marketing is a key element for success in marketing and many marketers realize the potential for business growth using the platform. Here are some of the benefits:
Get Started! It's clear that social media marketing has its advantages, so if your business doesn't already have the appropriate profiles, create them! Fill out your business' information and post some engaging content to begin gaining followers. As mentioned, ask people relevant to your business to "like" and "share" your page to help build your profile. With consistent updating, the right social media marketing strategy will lead to increased traffic, better SEO, higher conversion rates, improved brand loyalty, and much more. There are virtually no reasons not to implement social media into your marketing strategy. Since it is so cost-effective, there is hardly anything to lose. Your competition is most likely already on social media, so don't let them take your potential customers. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll see growth in your business.
Written By Blue Fountain Media
The ultimate goal of the stationary design process is to have a uniform and visually appealing brand design throughout the company. Our stationary design services include letterhead, business cards, with compliments slips, invoice design and presentation folders.
Establishing trust is an important part of attracting and maintaining clients. The main purpose of business stationery is to depict the company in a positive and professional manner. Professional stationery tells clients and potential clients that the business is professional and legitimate.
You will receive print ready files in multiple file formats including original, editable file (i.e. AI), EPS vector files in digital (RGB), print (CMYK), and web preview files including PNG, JPEG and PDF.
Bookkeeping is the recording of financial transactions, and is part of the process of accounting in business. Transactions include purchases, sales, receipts, and payments by an individual person or an organisation, company or corporation.
Servepoint have a strategic alliance in place with AccountsCheck who are our preferred bookkeeping service provider.
So whether you’re an established business or new business start-up, our affordable fixed price Bookkeeping Packages are specifically designed to cater to your unique business requirements, affording you the time to focus on what you do best. They are strategic bookkeeping partners to all our clients. Together, they’ll help enrich your business every day by providing services that focus on problem solving through innovation and compliance.
To ensure the smooth running of your accounts department, their services are endorsed with leading industry certification and come with real-time reporting, providing an effective visibility, traceability, reporting and monitoring regime, safeguarding your business each and every day. Depending on the package you choose, services include:
Note, they can also tailor a custom made package to suit your unique business requirements.
Depending on the package you choose, prices range from $234 to $700 per month.
Book a time with our specialist bookkeepers to see which package best fits your business requirements here.
Moreover, accurate bookkeeping is required by both federal and state tax agencies. Of the many reasons for keeping accurate records, GST, business and income taxes are among the most important. A businesses books are used to determine the amount of taxes the company must pay. They are also used in preparing your annual tax returns and GST readiness and preparation.
Our copywriting skills provide writing and editing services to businesses and other organisations.
Copywriting is the process of writing advertising promotional materials. Copywriters are responsible for the text on brochures, billboards, websites, emails, advertisements, catalogues, and more.
Unlike news or editorial writing, copywriting is all about getting the reader to take action. That action might be to purchase, opt-in, or engage with a product, service, or company.
Copywriting should not be confused with “copyright.” Copyright means an individual or company has the exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, sell, or distribute someone’s work (such as books, music, artistic items). The purpose of a copyright is to protect that material and prevent illegal use of it by unauthorized agents. The owner designates the material is copyrighted with the symbol ©.
Copyright, a form of intellectual property law, protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture.
In general, registration is voluntary. Copyright protection exists from the moment the work is created (fixed in a tangible medium). However, registration provides important benefits, such as proof of ownership.
The copyright symbol, or copyright sign, ©, is the symbol used in copyright notices for works other than sound recordings. The use of the symbol is described in copyright law, and, internationally, by the Universal Copyright Convention.